Have you seen the red A E D letters on the white boxes? AED’S can be found at locations you frequently find yourself at.
shopping mall
doctors office
grocery store
movie theater
various other locations open to general public.
Where can I find a public access defibrillator—AED?
So what exactly are the AED’s for? Did you know that you’ve already completed your first step in potentially saving a life simply by noticing the location of a Public access defibrillator (A E D) ?
A E D?
Its as easy as knowing:
inside of that box on the wall is the equipment that Saves the lives of cardiac arrest vicitms everyday
The AED you NOtice is not off limits to you. They are called PUBLIC ACCESS DEFIBRILLATORS. Meaning, we as the public, have access to the equipment necessary to save the life of a child, coworker, or any victim of cardiac arrest.