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Law Enforcement- First Aid Focus- Is your equipment even preparing you for providing first aid?

The general public, including myself, have a true belief that a law enforcement officer not only has the skills necessary for keeping criminals at bay but also to save lives. Lives of the public, victims of crimes, victims of accidents and also save their fellow officers in a crisis. Society provides a sense of security, we seem to take for granted, that as a first responder LEO’s naturally can

  • Perform effective CPR and use an AED on all age groups effectively and properly

  • Apply bandages to open chest wounds without collapsing a lung

  • Apply tourniquets correctly and efficiently to those whose life is depending on stopping blood loss

  • The ability stop a heart attack

  • Knowledge to treat shock

  • Recognize signs of cardiac arrest, high or low blood sugar, stroke, respiratory distress

  • And any other skill necessary needed to save lives

Oh and the capability to perform these and other various first aid techniques while simultaneously apprehending a criminal, if need be. Yes LEO’s are expected to do what is necessary to resolve life threatening situations quickly and efficiently. No one calls 911 in a crisis and expects an officer to arrive without the proper supplies, knowledge, or ability-- that never crosses our minds. Our expectations upon a LEO arrival is an immediate resolve for the emergency and LEO to have knowledge of necessary quick reactions required to save a life. We, as the public trust and even expect that LEO’s are prepared to do what it takes. Are we taking too much for granted? Are officers receiving the necessary training to prepare and train them to meet the expectations the public has for them?

  • More on this topic will be provided soon. Effective research is completed in order to provide most accurate information.